Fun music from the 60’s to now. Two women, two voices, one guitar, one bass guitar, eighty plus songs. Suffrajettes are Kaye Payne (bass & vocals) and Wendy Moles (guitar & vocals). They specialise in 60s and 70s – a selection of songs that you haven’t heard for a loooooong time; but that doesn’t stop them from crossing to other decades right up to the 2000’s. Play “guess that band”, sing along, dance, and remember another time when life was less complicated.
Listen to their take on great songs by the Doobie Brothers; Linda Ronstadt; Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young; Steve Miller Band; Fleetwood Mac; Cher; Bill Withers; Supertramp and more more more. Need a bigger band? Then just add one drummer of undetermined sex!
This duo is suitable for almost any occasion; background music through to featured artist. They also have other musicians they work with to form the Suffrajettes band for those big gigs requiring the full ensemble.